Ed of MSNBC's The Ed Show points out there may be something in the Republican drinking water in South Carolina.
Maybe there is something going on in South Carolina...
Lexington County Senator Knotts has been asked for his resignation by the State's Libertarian Party and later, the Republican Party.
On June 11th, the Lexington County Republican Party Senator Knotts to resign for calling gubernatorial nominee Nikki Haley a “raghead.”
The county party said the comments brought “shame” and “disgrace” to both Knotts and the state in the resolution condemning the state senator’s actions.
Knotts, a key ally of one of Haley’s primary opponents, used the term in a recent interview to describe both President Barack Obama and Haley, who is the child of Sikh immigrants from India.
He later tried to clarify his comments, saying in a statement that he believes Haley “is pretending to be someone she is not, much as Obama did, but I apologize to both for an unintended slur.”
The resolution censuring Knotts does not cite the word he used to describe Haley, saying only that the state senator’s “racial epithets has brought shame and disgrace upon himself, his office and his party.”
The resolution then “condemns the racist statement” before calling on Knotts to “resign his office forthwith.”
In a response, Knotts said he had no intention of resigning,
“This is not a Republican Party, this is a libertarian party,” Knotts said. “This is nothing but politics. I’m not resigning. I could care less.”
He calls himself a Libertarian but I find that a complete load of bullshit.
Plenty of people like to hang their hats on the Libertarian Party for varying reasons. Some of them are just plain ignorant. There is a perception that Libertarians are the last true bastion of macho red-blooded American bigoted values. I won't say there aren't people out there that think that way but there is much more involved and Libertarians tend to be for Civil Liberties for all Americans, not just the ones that look and think like us (ie White Southerners).
Libertarians oppose war, oppose the Fed, the UN and the US Partiot Act. We also don't like corporatism, taxes, bigger government and statist values. So far, only one Republican has been able to maintain his credential as a Libertarian while running and working within the Republican Party. Representative Ron Paul of Texas is that man. None others come close.
It's convenient for people like Knotts and even Ann Coulter to claim Libertarianism. Conservative views have a voice within the Libertarian fold. We like our guns and our property.
We also hold Liberal social values. Many Libertarians are also for gay marriage, legalizing drugs and prostitution. There is a divide among Libertarians on abortion but it is not something that would cause violence among members.
Libertarians also don't care about color, race, creed and religion. We believe the country was founded on the idea of liberty for all.
Two major reasons why Knotts looks dreadfully ignorant. First, to use racial slurs is not a Libertarian value. We do onto others has we'd have done to us. No other political party that I know tries to espouse this as a major tenet of political life.
Second, he behaves as though he can say what he wants regardless of the consequences. Screw everybody, he'll say what he pleases.
Where do people get the idea that Libertarians are bigots? This isn't the party I belong to and I'm frustrated by the stereotype he holds of us and perpetuates in the media.
He isn't a Libertarian. He's just ignorant.
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