Friday, June 25, 2010

Palin Fund deemed unlawful

It's a very good day to be me!

I got some great news from the University I attend (University of Minnesota), the US is still in the World Cup, TCU is still in the College World Series... there's gas in my car!!! And the woman I love to hate had a little bad news. in fact, I think I hate her more than Ann Coulter. At least with Ann there's some intelligence even if its warped with Fascist overtones.

Supporters of Sarah Palin have 90 days to return nearly $400,000 in donations raised by her legal defense trust after an investigator ruled the fund ran afoul of state ethics laws.

Ok, it really wasn't bad and in some ways, I'm not sure shutting the supposed illegal fund down was legal itself. The fund folded and was then relaunched with this to say:

Now, Sarah Palin's enemies have scored a limited victory in their vicious campaign to smear, bankrupt, and force this dedicated public servant and conservative leader out of politics. They have successfully questioned her prior legal defense fund--a fund that mirrored John Kerry's fund and Bill Clinton's fund. So a new fund was necessary to make sure Sarah Palin can continue to speak the truth to Americans.

I find that somewhere in the middle there is some truth. And saying something mirrors something else leaves a lot out there. Mirrors can be cracked, flawed or distorted and not necissarily reflect an identical image. In other words, your metaphor may reveal that the fund is not altogether like what the supporters allude.

I have to wonder what may have been the truth. And everything with Palin makes me wonder. Like how she has the brain capacity to use words in a sentence.

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