Saturday, February 02, 2008

Back to the proverbial Grindstone

So... the last time I posted anything was on Veteren's Day. Instead of saying how much I suck, I'm just gonna gussy up and slog through. Even if no one is reading any longer. I want to talk about the Presidential Election. Its coming down to two people on either side (at least in my opinion). Here's my take on those that have weathered the storm of political wackiness that is our electoral process (a collective groan is appropriate).

I'll start with the Democrats. Bear in mind that this is based on my take on these people and may not actually be based on fact. Who cares about the facts anyway? This is politics! Let the wonks fight over the facts!!!

Hillary, or Billary.... I have supported Hill at times. I think she has good ideas like making sure that stay-at-home moms still have a retirement fund (who knows what will happen, eh?) but this has not received much press. I can see why: Everybody would be required to get her health care plan! And the people who'd pay for it? Those who make $250,000 or more a year. I'm not sure I like a compulsory health care plan. What about extending medicaid and medicare to everyone? Social Security was originally a plan set up for Widows and orphans. All FDR did back in the day was extend it to everyone. What is little known is that it is not legally required that a person have a Social Security number to live or work in the United States. Did you know that? Keep that in mind...

But I have a hard time with Obama. What the hell does he really stand for? What does he really plan on doing? Use over inflated hyperbolic speech for 4 years? He's got charisma, I'll grant him that. But what in God's name does he want to do?

Eh... I don't even care.... good night!!

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