The world we live in is nuts. It's a wacky world of train bombers, hijackers, pedophiles and the worst of them all, politicians. Here I take the news of the day, political and otherwise, and distill it for you. And I am a proud Liberal Libertarian! Neither left nor right wing.
Kosovo declared independence today. if you can't remember where Kosovo is, its at the southern end of Serbia and borders Albania at its upper east border. The most important thing to know is that it is located in the Balkans so named for the Balkan mountain range that extends through Serbia and Bulgaria. The entire peninsula, including Greece, is called the Balkan Peninsula.
The Balkans has been notably unstable since 1991. In truth, Yugoslavia, ruled with a firm hand by Tito, was held together by the Communist Government. The collapse of said government spurned the region into upheaval. The early '90's there was a war between Croatia nad Serbia. And then Serbia made war and genocide on Bosnia. The complexity of these wars cannot be easily distilled but I'll try.
Religion is a key part of identity in this area. In Serbia, many of the citizens were Serbian Orthodox. In Croatia, the people were for most part Roman Catholic. And the alphabet they use reflects that. In Serbia, the Cyrillic alphabet is used. In Croatia, the Roman alphabet is used. This goes back to the schism. In the 11th Century, there was a Schism between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox. The two churches divided for the most part, along the same boundaries that the two halves of the Roman empire in the 5th Century. Look at the map:
Roman Empire at Fall:
Blue = West; Pink = East
So, is anyone surprised about this? What it opens up is the question about other breakaway nations such as Chechnya in Russia, Kurdistan in Iraq and Turkey, Abkhazia in Georgia, and Basque separatists in Spain and France. If one nation can decide to create its own new state, then any nation can. As an American, I should respond that this acceptable, considering the history of my home country. And I do. But I understand the complexity of other nations and their attitudes toward territory. But there comes a time when states need to make a clean break of it. It comes down to the question "What have you done for me lately?"
Republican Mitt Romney has dropped out of the Presidential Race. Even before giving the speech in Boston, the news outlets were buzzing about what would happen to Romney's 280 or so (depending on who you go by) delegates. There are state rules and party rules. Does one half go to John McCain and another half go Mike Huckabee? Are they proportional to the amount that those other candidates also managed to win in those primaries?
Say, if McCain won 22% in Minnesota, Romney won 44% in Minnesota with Huckabee taking 20% and Paul taking the remaining 13%. (This is hypothetical. I'll check the numbers later). if this is the case then McCain gets all of Romney's 44% in addition to his own? Or does he get all? Well, the GOP primaries are for the most part WTA (Winner-take-all), but there of course exceptions such as California which went in favor of McCain but didn't give him all its delegates. One would have to assume that the delegates themselves would need to make that decision. As yet, many of these delegates have yet to be chosen. We keep pandeying about this word delegate but there aren't any delegates yet. Hmm.... All this could be for not. In Minnesota, a caucus state, the people could still choose to support Romney despite the end of his campaign. Delegates could switch to Huckabee making these delegates spoilers so to speak. The RNC could be a riot just like the DNC. I'm really hoping it isn't. I live in Minnesota.
The articles about the speech were void of actual quotes from Romney. It seems in their hurry to get an article out with a grinning McCain, they decided not to even listen to the former Governor from Massachusetts. i mean, he's still an important figure in American Politics!!! Give him his due, people! They even referred to him as a droppout. Thats a little crass , if you ask me. It's like he decided to stop going to high school to smoke weed and bad mouth his country.
Update: MSNBC updated their article to give a couple of quotes... well, I guess someone listened.
CNN, which counts Romney having 286 delegates, says that it puts McCain at a margin of 78 for getting the nomination. Aren't they jumping the gun a little? We still don't know if that is where the delegates will go. By Romney releasing his delegates, there are allowed to decide their own destiny, even if they don't know who they are yet. Only in America could we have this kind of kerfluffel. This headline made me pause. I thought it said rape. My mistake.
I had to peek at the numbers for Minnesota where I knew Romney had won. I wasn't off by much at all! I provided the link for verification.
A reaction to Fox News and its onscreen "typo" misidentifying McCain's political party. On the Huffintgon Post, there was this comment from someone called Randomizer.
Yeah, man. Drew Pederson is identified as Democrat as is Bin Laden, Kim Il Jong, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. All of them with the (D) underneath their names. Here's some others: Satan (D-Hell) Hitler (D-Germany) Stalin (D-USSR) Skeletor (D-Eternia) Megatron (D-Chaar) Pretty much all Democrats.
We are now at T+48 hours since Super Tuesday. And there is still plenty going on. Super Tuesday would be exciting on its own, but it feel a month into primary season. The Republican method of primary voting and accumulation of delegates favors a winner-take-all (WTA) method. The Democratic method favors a long slugfest. It will take longer for a nominee to emerge and assume the crown because it they split the delegate proportionally. Hence, a candidate could get more delegates by winning less states. But this is not something I should have to go over. The reason I bring it up is that pundits like Bill O'Reilly have outlined a scenario (and I think Dick Morris who is bitter toward the Clintons since they ruined his career and the only people who will hire him are Fox) where Obama wins the most delegates but the Super Delegates decide to go with Clinton at the convention. He says there will be a riot and that they will tear the arena down.
If one were to seriously consider Bill O'Reilly's wishful ranting, the democrats would all tear each thoer eyes out on network television for the Conservative power mongers to gloat over. First of all, I don't think it will get that bad. Second, are you really serious? Have you been to a Democratic anything? Democrats won't even yell a person out of the room. Since I'm in the Democratic party, I can't say I've ever felt violence toward another Democrat. I honestly think that Bill O'Reilly would just like to see this happen. A fractured Democratic party would make his day. On to something that is not political for a minute. There was a shuttle launch. It was not impressive. That is if you consider the better launch pictures that have been done. Come on NASA!!!! Give us a night launch.
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! That's more like it. Thats what I call a launch!!!!!!
Gotta get some good launches in before the shuttle programs dies a whimpering death in 2010.
Ok, so there were a lot gun toting violence lately. The deaths at a Lane Bryant recently, the home in LA with the SWAT team taking a casualty along with 4 other people. Now some guy in Kentucky opens fire on a city hall meeting. So, was there something in the stars I didn't see? Like the constellation gunus loadus? There sure are a bunch of crazies running around getting their crazy on. Speaking of crazies... John McCain went to CPAC (I really couldn't help myself... I really love politics but I'm usually not so mean... and that's nice for politics). Before he could speak Mitt Romney did. He said that he couldn't be the one to blame if the Democrats got the White House. The Democrats he claims, would allow us to be defeated by surrendering the war in Iraq. So, he suspended his campaign. This means he has pulled out. He's still in denial. The Mitt Romney ship has sunk. All right.... it hit a sand bar... but it lost almost all of its sails.... or its in a dead calm.... something.... Before McCain got up to speak, cons at the con (heh) were switching their Romney T-shirts for McCain t-shirts. How astounding: the red headed stepchild of the Republican party at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Group) where even they can't stick to their convictions and principles [grind teeth].
I'm not a conservative. There are beliefs I hold that are conservative but I will not consider myself a conservative for some pretty big reasons. 1. I like people of all types and refuse to be exclusionary and/or intolerant. 2. I think religion is for the church/synagoge/temple/home. It has no place in politics, as part of domestic policy or the basis for laws. No one should expect a country to be made in the mold of a particular faith. Its unfair and intolerant. It infringes other people's 1st amendment rights. 3. I use reason and logic. I think therefore I am not conservative or liberal. You all have your neuroses and need therapy. To me, McCain is like that. He doesn't judge a person by their party but takes time to get to know them as people. He reminds me a bit of professor of history (a subject McCain likes) who is a bit more hippie than McCain but he is still on of those guys who likes to get to know his students as people. McCain does that with his fellow Senators and enjoys meetings of the mind with them. I've said this before and I'll say it again: We need someone with a proven record of working with the other party. McCain has that.
I watched the speech with baited breath. Hell, I'd been waiting for this one. First, cowboy boot wearing George "macaca" Allen of Virginia introduced Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. I can't help but wonder if not for that video in 2006, would Allen be running and winning this nomination? Anyways, Tom Coburn came out and talked about McCain's courage. Coburn might be commended for his courage, too. In the late '90's, he locked horns with then Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich because the Republican led Congress was spending just like the Democrats had been before they had taken over. Nothing had changed and the "Contract with America" was in shambles. He's also worked with Senator Obama. I'd say he like McCain is not afraid to work with someone who has a "D" attached to their name. He also has the regret of his remarks against the airing of Schindler's List to contend with for the rest of his life.
But getting on to the speech itself. I liked it. It was perfect, quiet, John McCainness and simple. He didn't get into specifics which is fine. There were some real nice parts. Like the boo that turned into a cheer. I'll call it a beer. I have no idea why this happened. I only saw McCain do this sort of beseeching shrug that he does. It always seems like his arms are awkward for him. I blame that on the fact that the range of motion in his arms is limited. I believe he cannot raise them to a certain point.
Anyways, this beer started out with the crowd booing when he brought up immigration. I understand their reason for doing that. McCain worked with Ted Kennedy, the living God of Democrats, to formulate a bill on immigration that ultimately failed. He admits to this. It was a so-called "path to citizenship". I'm with the conservatives on immigration but I'm also with McCain. I find immigrants to be criminals. They broke our laws to get in here and continue to break them with their continued presence here. I won't generalize and get into statements of tenement housing and bad driving. These are stereotypes that are as dangerous as general statements about Jews and Roman Catholics.
But, as much as they broke laws and entered our nation illegally, which means they have little respect for a nation's government and lack integrity, there needs to be a solution that works for everyone. We cannot throw the 12+ million people back to Mexico. This would be a humanitarian disaster. It would destroy Mexico. Some would welcome this but hold on a second! Destroying Mexico would not help us but rather, hurt us. If their fragile economy collapses due to a sudden influx of people that it cannot support, we'd have to prop up the flagging economy anyway.
The other option is to figure out a way to reduce the illegal immigrants coming across our border and to get those here to become citizens so they can pay into a system they already benefit from. Getting them out would be far more problematic and violent. No one wants the blood of another country's citizens, criminals or not, on their hands. So, the compromise that he made with Kennedy is justified.
But this boo... as it progressed, it turned into a cheer. A loud and resounding cheer. I don't know if Allen and Coburn started scowling at the audience since they were told to be nice. Maybe conservatives saw it within themselves to be nice. I'd like to know what actually happened there in the ballroom because they certainly didn't show it on TV.
And did you see the covereage of CPAC on Fox? I nornally watch CNN or MSNBC but considering the nature of this speech, getting reaction from the conservatives themselves would be key. But Fox did something that I find reprehensible. Look at the picture below. See if you can pick put out any errors.
That's right!!! Fox has democratized John McCain (I'm taking credit for this new use of the word right now) . They misidentify any republican they want to and claim its a typo. The odds that there'd would be these typos at moments when the Republican party is in a crises or, like when Mark Foley admitted one of their own screws up and only these times are slim. The odds of that each time these mistakes occur, it would always be a "D" is even more slim. I'm no mathematician but I understand probability and randomness from my experience as a pollster and working in statistics. There is no way that Fox can stand by their assertions. At least not without knowing how stupid they look. If I were self-respecting journalist, I could not work with/for Fox without either walking away from this excuse for a "fair and balanced" news outfit or losing my integrity for remaining with them. What a fucking joke!!!!!!!
All right, this post has gone on long enough. I did want to add some clips from The Daily Show from Wednesday night. Jon Stewart takes on the coverage of the primaries on the News outlets. Enjoy!!!
Mike Huckabee was definitely the surprising force of the night. He started out winning West Virginia which had a convention. This began Mitt Romney's cry that there was some backroom deal between McCain and Huckabee. Here's why: the WV convention is basically run as two rounds of voting. After the first round, when the McCain supporters realized there was no way they could win, moved their support to Huckabee.
I will address this on two fronts. First, there has been some suspicion that McCain has bee n making deals ala Survivor to gain the nomination of the Republican Party. It has been suggested that he asked Thompson, who stood no legitimate chance of winning, to stay in through South Carolina to run interference for McCain. The same thing is believed to have occurred with Rudy Guiliani in Florida. Guiliani and McCain are known to be friends as Thompson is as well. McCain tends to appeal the center and has political friends who are centrists. I'll even throw Colin Powell in there though I've never read that they were friends but I can definitely see the two of them getting along. Hell, Joe Lieberman is running around with McCain!!! Maybe that bothers the conservatives: a liberal Connecticut Orthodox Jew is supporting a Republican.
Second, that's politics!!!! Anyone knows that those things happen. Its the nature of the game. Even though Romney outspent both his opponents by millions, it was all for not. And he cried foul after that West Virginia convention which was the first contest called of the day. What a whiny, little pussy!
Though I will grant this: McCain is winning for some unexplainable reason. He didn't win the conservative vote. The southern Cons went for Huckabee and the Northern cons went for Romney. He won amongst moderate Republicans who are anti-war (which he is not) and those in favor of aboritionrights (which I won't try to qualify him on. He is pro-life but has also been on record saying the alternative would be worse). I like him because he is pragmatic. I like someone who is more concerned with being practical and making sense than satisfying idealogues who want someone to do their bidding. McCain has been rebellious since about the age of 8 and is unapologetically so. I want a president who thinks for himself. The alternative is a government run by committee.
Radio blowhards are just attacking him. Conservative Talk Radio is just plain babble. These village idiots with their radio soapboxes are ranting about how they cannot stand the other side. Rush Limbaugh vilifies McCain for reaching across the aisle to work with the other party. All Limbaugh is doing is proofing the rest of the country right: Conservatives are smug, hateful and cold people who would rather hate their fellow American than learn to live with them.
And I hate (not really, but it sure sounds good) to break it to Conservative Republicans but he is the last hope for your broken down, mean little party. This is the party that gave us Abraham Lincoln who felt that after the Civil War, the north should reach out to help the South and not grind the Confederate states under the northern boot. Somehow, I feel that empathy is missing.
Americans are tired of the "My way or the highway" approach to politics. It is fracturing this country and is leading us down the path of destruction. People are fed up with neo-conservatism. True conservatism, which is what McCain is closer to, is preferable compared to the shit that Bush, Limbaugh and all their ilk keep shoveling down our throats. I think they're poor sports and bad losers just like Romney.
On the Democratic side there isn't really much to talk about. Hillary lost her voice in the days leading up to the primaries. She was fighting a cold. She cried at one point on Monday. When all was said and done, she had won the more populous states whilst Obama had taken the less populous ones but more of them.
The races coming up on Saturday: Louisiana, the caucus in Washington, Democrats in Nebraska, Republicans in Kansas and as well as the Democratic primary in the Virgin Islands which like American Samoa, can vote in primary but has no voice in the general election. On Sunday, Maine holds its Democratic primary in Maine. There will be a Potomac primary is next Tuesday. This is a primary that I am more interested in. It is the states of Virginia and Maryland and Washington, D.C. Look for LOTS of press on that day. it won't be near the juggernaut that last night was but it will be important.
Tidbits: Clinton saying "missourah". She's from Illinois. She should be saying Misery.
I wrote this yesterday but due to forces that were beyond my control, it has been posted today. I leave it in its original form because I.... I don't care.
Tomorrow is possibly going to be one of the most frenzied days you may ever witness in your life. Not only do the New York Giants have their ticker tape parade tomorrow to honor the hard won glory on Sunday night in the Super Bowl. Not only is it Mardi Gras and therefore the last day of indulgence, frivolity and carnival before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. But it is also Super Tuesday, which due to it's inflated proportions, can also be called Super Duper Tuesday or Tsunami Tuesday. Tomorrow, There will 24 states and American Samoa running either a primary or a caucus for Democrats, Republicans and or independents. The Green Party is also running a caucus here in my state of Minnesota. This may be wrapped up tomorrow.
Or did you not know about this? I can't see how anyone could not have heard about this election. This cycle may be the most hotly contested in 40 years. Forty years ago the US was also embroiled in a very unpopular war. The Democrats were in power and they ended up losing power to Richard M. Nixon. We all know how that turned out.
It is coming down to two people in each of the two dominating parties. Barak Obama, the senator from Illinois, who is not a Muslim, is running in a dead heat with Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former First Lady and current senator from New York. The two are running so close to each other, we will be very happy that some primaries are not winner take all.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is losing steam it seems. And her voice. She is coming across as less liberal than Obama. Obama has some stylish endorsements in the form of the Kennedy clan deeming him JFK incarnate. He's had Oprah for some time. But now he has Stevie Wonder and Robert De Niro. Who knows who else he will get?
John Sydney McCain, III, is facing the same tough crowd he did in 2000. But this time its from Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. Rush Limbaugh's smears of John McCain are not new. One particular sticks out during the 2004 election when he wasn't even running. Limbaugh attacked McCain on his radio show for not defending Bush over his service to the National Guard. He alluded to McCain being a POW at the “Kerry Hilton”. I'm not surprised that he still despises McCain.
I really don't understand why Republicans hate him. He's rather conservative but he's capable of thinking independently. Does this prove that Republicans are really happier with politicians who can't think on their own?
I won't hide my love for McCain. He's been one of my favorites for years. And you know a Political Science geek when they talk about politicians like they're teen idols in current issues of Teen Beat. I mean, I've adored him since I knew who he was... about the same time Fred Dalton Thompson hit Washington. He's a maverick and I thoroughly enjoy that. I cheered for him even when I was so staunchly Democrat, it bordered on fanatical. So, I'm glad to see him doing well. I will address my thoughts on McCain on a later date.
But Ann Coulter, on the other hand, has stated that she would not be able to vote for McCain. That she'd rather vote for Clinton before she'd vote for McCain. You can watch it for yourself.
In fact, I should find clips for all the candidates... hmm... Like McCain's Little Jerk comment. I guess I like my candidates to be spunky.
Anyways, last night, I attended the Ron Paul rally here at the University of Minnesota. It was a great thing to be with my fellow Libertarians. It's not something experienced often. We libertarians are solitary creatures it seems. But I know he can't win. I know. But he's the closest thing to how I really feel and so I had to hear him speak. Maybe in four more years. Maybe we'll get a Libertarian president. Maybe... I hope.
Back to the Blog!!!In the past month, the Primary season has started. Since that time we've had a few casualties in the race for President. on the Republican side, Thompson and Guiliani are gone. On the Democratic side, Richardson and Edwards are gone.
Feasably, this leaves McCain and Romney to duke it out for the Republican nomination with Huckabee trying to get in and Ron Paul throwing rotten tomatoes from the stands. I will reveal that I was pulling for Ron Paul in September. Since then I wavered. But we'll get to that...
On the Democratic side, its really down to two people: Hillary & Obama. I don't think a lot of people call her Clinton. Either we don't want to confuse some people, taint her or she's a woman and women weren't typically referred by their last name back in the bay. Whatever it is, I don't call her Clinton either.
I miss Edwards. He made me laugh. I am now torn between these two who impress me and then disappoint me in one breath it seems.... everyday. I suppose that is the nature of politics: Never getting exactly what you want. It ain't Burger King. Which reminds me...
Ok, one whopper later...
I want to talk a bit about my political history... yeah.... Back in the early '90's, I swallowed what my parents said and didn't think for myself. But eventually, I did. I decided to be pro-life, anti-gun (which my parents were, too), but particularly, anti-Christian coalition. Back in 1994, the Republicans took over Congress after decades of Democratic rule there. It was an orgy of Republican happiness. But the Christian Coalition bothered me. And I could not quite put my finger on it until I learned more about my country. The whole State and Religion thing. Its not wrong for someone to run according to their faith. But it is inherently wrong to run a country according to a person's faith. Why? Because even Baptists can't agree with each other!!! You think other faiths can, too? No, a secular nation with laws based on moral (not Christian) principles is best, in my ever so humble opinion.
I completely switched parties at the age of 16 which isn't saying much since I couldn't vote for two more years. But I started to pay attention and get to know people. I was interested in politics even then. And it was a lot harder to get immersed into something when the Internet was still crawling. We had access but there wasn't really information. Therefore, I watched a lot of CNN and a ton of C-SPAN. I had the C-SPAN schedule memorized. And when 2 came along, oh happy day!!!I eventually began to notice this guy from Arizona named John McCain. To be honest, I thought he was Catholic since his name was Irish. I didn't know much about things like that then. I just assumed Irish=Catholic. Period.
My Dad didn't like him. He served in the Navy in Vietnam and said the fire on the USS Forestal was his fault. And that he lost 4 planes. Well, considering my Dad was a SEaL and lost parts of his brain in 'nam, I'd say McCain made it out better.Anyways, I noticed him as early as 1995. The following year, I was disappointed that he didn't run for President. I thought he would have been perfect. I couldn't see voting for Bob Dole who looked like he was made of wood or was going to fall apart at a moment's notice. I guess I thought he was biding his time. I started collecting newspaper articles on the maverick Senator from Arizona and registered myself as a Democrat. And then I joined the Navy...
The 2000 election will go down as horrific on many fronts. But I can understand why McCain would be so angry at Bush even if they were in the same party. McCain does take things a little personally and in many cases its humorous and a little annoying. But from what I've read of the 2000 campaign, there were some reasons to take things personally. Someone ran a campaign to smear McCain using his then 9-year-old daughter, Bridget. Bridget is Bengali and was brought from Mother Teresa's orphanage by the Senator's wife, Cindy, when she was 10 weeks old. She needed medical treatment and they eventually were able to adopt her. But smear said McCain had had an illicit affair and father a black baby which in South Carolina was a hellworthy trespass, let alone, reason enough for conservative voters to swing toward Bush who had no black daughter to speak of. There were other smears like those directed toward Cindy's addiction to painkillers (Everyone has addictions to something legal or illegal. Get over yourselves). For this, I can see why McCain would carry some anger toward Bush. It benefited from the campaign and its fair to assume that it came from him.McCain stayed on and I began to lose hope.
In 2004, I was not in the Navy but starting College now, I was hoping he'd run. He must have made a promise or something because he didn't. Two years later, sitting in the parking lot outside my school, smoking a cigarette before Comparative Politics, I heard on NPR that McCain was gathering people who'd worked on Bush's campaign to work for his campaign. I groaned... Later, he was giving going to be speaking at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University commencement. I just about gagged. Didn't he once call him an "Agent of Intolerance"? I was rightly pissed. I may call myself a Democrat but I had carried a torch for John McCain for over decade at this point. I'd even enlisted in the same branch of military (just for the record: since BOTH of my parents were in the Navy, they would have shot me for joining anything else... well, maybe disowned me for joining the Marines).
But I took comfort in one small detail in all the rhetoric: he was running for President again. And Clinton by this point was known to be. I counted on Edwards and Biden who is perpetually running for president. I thought Kucinich was a freak of nature. I figured that Guiliani would be in there. I became annoyed that Thompson took so long to jump in. I thought Romney was a goof and Huckabee was too religious.
Ron Paul was closer to how I felt politically but I knew he'd never go the distance. I heard of Obama early in 2007. He was non-committal at this point. But he was starting to get his message out there. I remember watching his speech in front of the Old Capital Building to announce his candidacy. I had never heard someone allude to or say the name Lincoln in all my life. And probably never will again. [psst... he was a Republican!] But, did that stick in my memory. See, prior to 1994, I lived in Illinois for a few years and that was where my accent was finally cemented and my geographic identity was settled. I identify strongly with Illinois political values. And I love Lincoln. I was intrigued to say the least.
But now as we get down to Super Tuesday, the next couple of days will be interesting. Hell, the rest of the year is going to be interesting!!! This is what politics is all about!
One last picture. One of Edwards with his wife. They are saying good-bye. I'm posting it because we constantly treat politicians like crooks and liars. Every politician is a human. Every politician has problems and stresses in their life. Every politician has someone behind them. So, a nice photo to remember that there is someone who suffers through campaigns right along with them.
So... the last time I posted anything was on Veteren's Day. Instead of saying how much I suck, I'm just gonna gussy up and slog through. Even if no one is reading any longer. I want to talk about the Presidential Election. Its coming down to two people on either side (at least in my opinion). Here's my take on those that have weathered the storm of political wackiness that is our electoral process (a collective groan is appropriate).
I'll start with the Democrats. Bear in mind that this is based on my take on these people and may not actually be based on fact. Who cares about the facts anyway? This is politics! Let the wonks fight over the facts!!!
Hillary, or Billary.... I have supported Hill at times. I think she has good ideas like making sure that stay-at-home moms still have a retirement fund (who knows what will happen, eh?) but this has not received much press. I can see why: Everybody would be required to get her health care plan! And the people who'd pay for it? Those who make $250,000 or more a year. I'm not sure I like a compulsory health care plan. What about extending medicaid and medicare to everyone? Social Security was originally a plan set up for Widows and orphans. All FDR did back in the day was extend it to everyone. What is little known is that it is not legally required that a person have a Social Security number to live or work in the United States. Did you know that? Keep that in mind...
But I have a hard time with Obama. What the hell does he really stand for? What does he really plan on doing? Use over inflated hyperbolic speech for 4 years? He's got charisma, I'll grant him that. But what in God's name does he want to do?