Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My two hours of happiness

On a given night from Monday to Thursday, I watch The Colbert Report, Countdown with Keith Olbermann and The Daily Show in that order. On Fridays I just watch Keith who is my hero. Really, the man already was during his ESPN days but in the last few months, I've really come to love him.

Anyways, I bring this up because I watch Bill O'Reilly on occasion. Tonight, I found him awful. There was a case of an 8-year-old boy who called 911 to report his mother driving drunk. While I don't doubt that she may have been intoxicated, O'Reilly jumped to the conclusion that she is an addict.
When it became known that the father was not in the picture, she became "trouble".

It's rare that I, a Libertarian, my father, a staunch Republican and my moderate mother all agreed that taking her kids away, even for a month was wrong. We all agreed that O'Reilly was making assumptions and jumping to conclusions. Both my mother and I brought up that the child could have damn well been exagerating about his mother. Children know at the age of 12 months how to play the game and get shit. They aren't stupid! Not that I'm blaming the kid but are we getting to the era where a kid need only say anything they want to incriminate their parents or any other relative.

Bill O'Reilly likes to consider himself an objective journalist. Despite his lengthy education, he comes across as a narrow-minded ass. He'd advocate taking the children away which even my 20-year-old video gaming brother thought would only compound the problem. Moreover, children once placed in that system do not usually get back to their parents.

So, Bill O'Reilly, someone who constantly sticks up for families and family values wants to break up one without knowing all the details or even letting due process take its course. Bill needs to get a clue. He also needs to get a brain with it. I'm not holding my breath.

Good Night and Good Luck!

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