Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I got my wish: Anderson and George on screen together!!!!

I should have blown up in a fiery ball of .... no clue what to put there. But, gratification is mine! (BTW, screencap from All Things Anderson. .. he looks just like how I feel: numb, silenced, weak... maybe not weak.... whatever.... Thanks ATA! When I can find a screen cap from the interview, I'll post that.)

A little while back, CNN advertised that Anderson Cooper would chat with George Clooney about Darfur. Clooney travelled there earlier this year with his father, Nick. I saw denied the happiness of seeing them together (CNN lied!!! John Roberts interviewed him instead as Coop was in Afghanistan... I think) The Clooneys saw the state the the beliguered war and genocide ravaged country is in. Its heartwrenching. In fact, this week, Anderon Cooper and his motley crew of journalists will be reporting on the state of things in Africa. If you aren't aware of things in Africa, their bad. For several years there's been a bloody conflict there involving something like eight nations. We've heard precious little because the world does not care about a world war in Africa. All anyone cares about is the natural resources that remain to be pillaged from these impovershed lands such as gold in the Congo which we need for our precious computers. Its difficult to fully comrehend the suffering on such a massive scale and the fact that is largely ignored should stir some serious emotions.

They have in people such as George Clooney who spoke about this at the UN last month. For the 360 staff, they are doing their part as journaists to shed some light on the subject. They will stay there for the remainder of the week and hopefully, something will come of it. Maybe a serious project to build some god damned roads will start to take shape. Maybe the pharmaceuticals will finally send vaccines and medications to countries that need them so badly. Maybe the UN will write some stronger fucking language so that Resolution 1706 isn't just toilet paper (likely Scott's brand at that). Maybe the world will wake up and see that Africa is miserable and forgotten. Maybe...

When Cooper asked Clooney (love that bit) if he was optimistic, he said no. How could he be? What evidence is there that it will get any better? I have to agree. I want to weep... but unfortunately, the air raid sirens are sounding here. So, I have to flee for my own safety.

Pray for the Amish in Lancaster County. Pray for Africa. Pray for me!!!!

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