Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"Um... Bob... think its time to bring the shuttle in?"

An Earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale hit the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia. The earthquake appears to have happened underwater raising the possibility of tsunamis.

Tropical Storm Ernesto has begun to strengthen. The 90 miles between Cuba and Florida aren't enough to guarantee that it will reach hurricane force winds (74mph). This does not mean people in Florida should relax. Everyone should be taking precaustions. Look after yourselves, each other and your pets. NASA gave its approval to bring the shuttle in. You'd think they would be a little more on top of things.

Vivendi Universal has finally decided to offer its entire catalog for free download through Spiralfrog. A simple search of google reveals little about Spiralfrog. In any case little is known about artists will be paid. Money will be raised using advertisements.

Wikipedia will soon change how things are done. For a long time Wikipedia has had to dead with vandalism and those who would exploit their policies for idiocy. Wikipedia is going to change its editting procedures. When someone edits an entry, instead of immediately changing, it will then be reviewed by an administrator. Though this means more work for these administrators, it is the only way to go to stop the few who make it worse for the rest of us.

The President of Iran (ايران)is challenging Bush to a debate! President Ahmadinejad (محمود احمدی نژاد) said "the debate should be uncensored in order for the American people to be able to listen to what we say and they should not restrict the American people from hearing the truth." He thinks we don't hear the uncensored truth about Iran. He's right. We are constantly bombarded with what could be called propoganda. Rarely does a news item get reported without the agency itself steering toward a certain agenda or goal. We're a Pro-Israel nation and our news reflects that. Palestinian Media Watch reports on the handling of stories in the media. Another site also covers Palestinian news in English. Ahmadinejad may have points to make considering the treatment of Palestinians and some about the truth in his own nation. The White House says its a diversion. Yes, its a diversion. It might be one that would divert us from the spin the media are giving us and we might be able to make decisions on our own.

John Kerry, the Democratic Senator from Massachussetts, is now claiming voting improprieties in Ohio during the 2004 Presidential Election. I'm going to quote CNN because it is very difficult to explain this and paraphrasing was pointless: "An e-mail from Kerry will be sent to 100,000 Democratic donors Tuesday asking them to support U.S. Rep. Ted Strickland for governor of Ohio. The bulk of the e-mail criticizes Strickland's opponent, GOP Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, for his dual role in 2004 as President Bush's honorary Ohio campaign co-chairman and the state's top election official." Considering that Kerry is eyeing a 2008 run for the White House, this is really not surprising. He needs to reassure voters, donors and supporters that his loss was not his own; it is not his fault he lost.

I was listening to the Press Conference for Boulder, Colorado District Attorney Mary Lacy and they were interrupted by a fire alarm. Things just never seem to go right for her. She is explaining why they had to bring him over and do the most expensive DNA test in law enforcement history. Regardless of what this woman says to back up her actions, her career is over. Well, she can still be a lawyer.

Another legal news bit (how I despise legal news), polygamist Warren Steed Jeffs was finally taken into custody in Las Vegas. He leads the Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints and in June was indicted in Arizona for arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old girl and an older man. It is believed that he may have 80 wives. He was arrested after being pulled over by Nevada highway patrol. He has been on the FBI's Most Wanted list since May. He is not part of the mainstream Mormon church.

On this day in 1949, the Soviet Union (Союз Советских Социалистических Республик) tested its first Atomic Bomb.

On this day back in 1756, Frederick the Great attacked Saxony, in Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland), which starts the Seven Years' War. Winston Churchill considered this conflict the first World War. It did involve more than one theatre but it was limited to European powers and their colonial possesions.

On this day in 1911, Ishi, the last man in the Yahi tribe, emerged from the wilderness in California. His name was never known due to a tribal taboo against saying one's own name. He lived at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, San Francisco, and died from Tuberculosis in 1916.

A year ago the levees broke in New Orleans.

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