Monday, January 22, 2007

The Next Contestant...

See that guy? That is New Mexico's very own Bill Richardson. He was born in Pasadena, California to a half Hispanic father and a Mexican mother. This, of course, leads many to believe that the Hispanic governor is pro-illegal immigrant. We'll eveluate that later.

But first, I want to discuss a particular moment in time. Some time ago, some classified data pertaining to nuclear energy went missing in the form of hard drives. At the time, Bill Richardson was the Secretary of Energy under 2nd term Bill Clinton. You can imagine how things were going for that man... Due to wrangling involved, during the senate investigation into espionage and what have you, (it really is too complicated to get into. I remember some of this from when it went on. But really, this government investigations are really good at 1. Destroying whole swaths of forestland due to the tonnes of paper needed for everything; 2. Digging up everything on a person like when they got a haircut, walked the dog, sold secrets to China... you know, little things; 3. Digging up actual people: Alive and Dead; 4. Taking an infentesimal time to accomplish ABSOLUTELY NOTHING; 5. But look good in the process, prove to those slack-jawed wankers at home that you indeed "work" and therefore, will get re-elected.) Richardson came to the senate to yabber about his non-responsibilty to the Senators old and dying (Strom was there). Richardson shrugged off a Senate appearance before finally coming in to testify. His reasoning was that he wanted all the facts in hand before coming before them. True, that might be good. But thats if you believe this is really going to accomplish something (see above). Senator Byrd (another old dude) said to him "You had a bright and brilliant career, but you will never again receive the support of the U.S. Senate for any office you seek. You have squandered your treasure." The Coda: Richardson won New Mexico's gubernatorial election in 2002.

How does this bode for the highest office in the land? Richardson has in fact announced that he has put together an exploratory committee for a possible bid for the White House in 2008. If he wins, he'd be the first Hispanic President. That would be cool but I know what some detractors are saying. That is why I included the fairly innocuous but relatively important biographical information. One might assume from this pedigree that Richardson would be for the illegal immigrants swarming over the borders. But the man declared a state of emergency in November of last year as he felt the problem had reached an intolerable threshold. Illegal Immigration, though a burden for the country as a whole, is a particularly acute pain for border states such as Texas, Arizona, California and New Mexico. In fact, this is how Richardson feels on the illegal... thing:

* Declared state of emergency on Mexican border. (Nov 2006)
* Path to legalization if illegals pay taxes & learn English. (Nov 2006)
* Reduce immigration; no automatic citizenship for kids. (Nov 1996)
* Guarantee human services to illegal immigrants. (Nov 1996)

(Go to the site On the Issues for anyone for that matter. Great site!!!) In the end, Richardson is a candidate who can be bipartisan rather partisan and unilateral. Hell, I live with republicans and they'd vote for him. And that is saying something about my Dad.

If you'd like to see other candidates or "explorers", go to this site. Its a wikipedia which means it updated fairly quickly whne news breaks which should start picking up. I'll keep covering and do some more tidbts on probable, possible and confirmed candidates and those who help them on the campaigns. Elections are exciting and halfway point in a presidential term is when things start solidifying. People start raising funds like mad and drawing lines. Good Times!!!

(Speaking of funds, its likely candidates will need to raise $100M by the end of this year alone to run a strong campaign. The combined funds of cadidates may break $1B...)

On this day in 1525, the Anabaptists re-baptised each other in Swizterland. O....K.

In 1793, Louis XVI gets guillotined.

On this auspicious day, the new USSR lost Lenin and gained the egotistical madman known as Stalin, His real name was Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili; a Georgian name. In Georgian it looks like this: იოსებ ბესარიონის ძე ჯუღაშვილი. And in Cyrillic: Ио́сиф Виссарио́нович Джугашвили. Yeah...

And in 1977, President Jimmy Carter pardons most (most) Vietnam war draft dodgers.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Where the hell have I been??!??

If you read this and were annoyed that I stopped blogging, I apologize. Several things happened and I shall break them down as succintly as possible:

1. FINALS! Yes, there was finals and I was stressed beyond all measure. But I got out with an A, 2 B's and a C. I call that a good semester. I can do better, however.

2. I had things to worry about like the holidays.

3. I worked a ton during the break.

4. I really didn't care but I did remember. I cannot use the lame excuse of forgetting.

5. I rediscovered my love for all things Galactica, Firefly and Science Fiction novels in general.

So as you can see, I just wasn't ready for running a blog of this nature. Speaking of "nature", I want to add that nature is fucking cold right now. It's like 10 and were happy for 10 here in Minnesota.

Besides that, I want to ask what is the nature of this site?
I must reiterate that I basically posted a mission statement right at the top of this page. See it up there? I will, however, restate it now in a different form. I will try, to the best of my ability, to distill local, state, national and international politics, economics and downright newsiness for you my loyal reader (as in there is 1 of you). I aim to add my own opinion (when I feel warranted) and to analyze pertinent facts and events surrounding a particular story, developing or otherwise. I will not let my own political bias hinder my ability to attack those who need attacking, i.e. politicos who just plain screw up. Or CNN or Fox for being media... well, the media. The media just sucks anyways...

I'll admit that I have a healthy fascination for the weather (and weather reporting... there's some real comedy in that, let me tell ya), spies, International bodies like the United Nations, Anderson Cooper, weird crimes, idiocyncrasies that bother me, stupid politicians and history. I like to ground each entry in "back in the day" sections. I feel knowing what others were experiencing on this day in yoner year (oh, alliteration...) is helpful and also reminds us that others trod this grund before. Sometimes there are startling acheivements, disasters, battles or just plain oddness. I like the oddness.

There are some bits of news I failed to make any comment over the intervening 43 days. This was an oversight on my part. Here is a list of news items I failed to make a comment on and may try to make up for my apathy/lack of time:

1. Saddam Hussein was executed. The Iraqi government hung the former dictator in a fashion unbecoming to most western nations. His corpse was danced about by Shiites celebrating his recent demise. On Fox, a particularly amusing graphic was displayed showing his corpse. On the left side of the screen was Saddam "Alive", and on the right, his "dead" body. I couldn't help but be befuddled and amused by this. It reminded a friend of a moment in a film when someone was sorting dead rats and saying "alive"... "dead". We believe it was Transylvania 65000.

2. Gerald Ford died. He was never elected President, but nevertheless, led our country througho ne of its darkest periods. He also open the military academies to women. And pardoned Nixon. The flags will remain at half mast for another week or so. (Yes, I said half mast not half staff...)

3. Barbara Boxer v. Condoleeza Rice. What?

4. Donald Trump v. Condoleeza Rice. Double What?

5. Trump v. Rosie. eh....

6. The Next Harry Potter will be "The Deadly Hallows". That's
hallows like hallowed ground, hallowed be his name and hallowe'en.

7. Pinochet, Chilean dictator, died at age 91. No one cared and it only rated below Harry Potter and The Don.

8. Tim Johnson, a US senator, was hospitalized with a mild stroke. Before he was even evaluated, US news outlets were already discussing the possible return of power to Republican hands. They weren't even waiting to see if he died.

9. Ex Russian Spy turned British citizen and author (and Muslim), Alexander Litvinenko, was finally covered in depth by 60 Minutes. About bloody Time!

10. Denver shut down for snow: $Billions. Holiday travellers stranded in terminals on stiff, smelly cots: ^#$^ %&#!!!! Laughing at my sister for moving there and claiming they hardely get any snow there: Priceless.

Back in the year 1265, The English parliament convened at the Palace of Westminster for the first time.

In 1892, the first game of basketball was played at a YMCA in Springfield Massachussetts.

And the Nazis, in 1942, agreed on the "final solution" to the European Jewry. The result was the holocaust the significant impact on world politics,
culture and geography.

That's it from my end.